nigerians, nubians, & more

Nigerian Wethers & Pairs & Retirees

  • Roseheart Luna with wether at side - Luna is retired and not breedable  
  • Roseheart Nightshade - Black with blue eyes - Night is retired and not breedable
  • Rosy - Gold and white with Blue eyes - Rosy is retired and not breedable
  • Little Dude - Red with Blue eyes - DOB 04/03/24
  • Noodles - Gold and White - DOB 05/16/24
  • Mighty Mouse - Dark Buckskin - DOB 05/16/24 (triplet brother to Noodles)
  • CowCow - Red with wattles DOB 12/17/24 & To Be Named - Silver DOB 12/18/24 - available at weaning
  • Nickel - black & white - contact for details

Nubian Wethers & Pairs

  • To Be Named - DOB 12/04/2024 - available at weaning 
  • Roseheart Lucky with 2 yearling wethers at side 
  • Roseheart Nandina & Zero - Nandina is not breedable 
  • Roseheart Reece's Pieces - Reece's is retired and not breedable


Nigerian Does

  • Roseheart Ruby - Gold & White
  • Pepper - Silver - available once kids are weaned

Nubian Does

  • Roseheart Lucky with 2 yearling wethers at side 
  • Roseheart Thimble's Legacy

Nigerian Bucks

Roseheart Prince - Pending Pickup

Nubian Bucks 

Silver Fire Jupiter

Silver Fire Scorpio

Roseheart Baby Huey

Roseheart To Be Named - DOB 03/26/24; may be AGS Registered, heavily moon spotted, Pip x Scorpio

Roseheart To Be Named - DOB 12/4/24; may be AGS Registered; Red and White - Joy x Scorpio; also offered as a wether 

Wethers & Retirees

*All will be castrated and disbudded

Nigerian Dwarf Straws Available - Update in Progress, we will be liquidating the majority of our Straws 
Castle Rock Chicago Peace +*B - Polled

Nubian Straws Available - Update in Progress, we will be liquidating the majority of our straws


*Available at weaning, all will be disbudded. 

offering for sale

Animals for sale can be held with a 50% deposit and are to be paid for in full before leaving the farm. No animals will be held without a deposit. A statement of “I want” or “I am interested” in a particular animal is not sufficient to hold the animal.

Once a deposit is received “sale pending” will be noted after the animals name.

Adults animals or kids of weaning age can be held for 2 weeks while pick-up arrangements are made. Transportation arrangements, CVI, or other veterinary costs are at the expense of the buyer.

Please note, pick-ups are generally scheduled for Saturday’s or Sunday’s; other times may be discussed if needed.